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LNK2 Enhanced Control
Manage your irrigation system on the go!
Wifi Module
- Upgrades our most popular controllers making them fully accesible and programmable from iOS or Android compatible devices.
Take control.
TRU Irrigation Controllers
Take control over your landscape
- Find it in 4 and 6 stations. 8 Stations Coming Soon!
- Upgradable to Wi-Fi by using the LNK2 Wifi Module
Easy to Install Automatic Irrigation System
Everything needed to water an area up to 3,000 sq ft.
- Waters your lawn automatically the whole season.
- Attaches to an outside faucet and installs in one afternoon.
Impact Sprinklers
Time-Honored Classic
Brass and Plastic Options available
- From the company that put the impact sprinkler on the market
- Deliver consistent performance even in the toughest conditions