A perfect solution for anyone who wants to spend less time and effort watering their plants.
Who doesn’t want more time in their day? Instead of having to water every plant yourself, water releases from drippers that you place along the tube by your plants. Each dripper has a specific flow rate that drips water over the roots of nearby plants. The flow rate is measured in gallons per hour (GPH) and is timed depending on climate. For example, small shrubs do best with two or three drippers that release water at 1GPH for 30 minutes per week in mild weather. The kit also includes adjustable bubblers and micro sprays, whose flow rate can be adjusted to suit the needs of your plants.
Generally, it is best to water your plants 1-2 days a week during cooler weather, 2-3 days a week in mild weather, and 3-4 days a week during hot weather. With our drip kit, it’s recommended to add an Electronic Garden Hose Watering Timer to automate watering for even more efficiency.
Because of the direct water source, less water is lost due to evaporation, runoff, and wind. There are also less weeds due to the lack of water in the surrounding soil. Plus, plants are not as likely to form mildew on their leaves, leading to healthier plants.